Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Today is go home and hug your pet day

Today my attending was running late and had to have a colleague help me start his case. One of the other anesthesiologist said that one of his cats died and he had to bury it before he came to work. When I saw him, I asked him what happened. He said he went outside this morning and found part of his cat in his backyard, apparently it got eaten by an animal. He heard a loud commotion outside early this morning but assumed the two kitties were just fighting like they always do. He was pretty upset about it all day. He found the other cat outside, too...visibly shaken up. I felt really bad for him. He couldn't talk about it without tearing up. So, go home and hug your pets today.


Anonymous said...

That happened to my cat when I was in college. Luckily my dad found it first and I was just told about it. I missed her jumping on the hood of my car when I'd come home in the evenings from college stuff. :(

Dan and Libby said...

Reason No. 457 why kitties live so much longer as inside cats. Poor guy. That's like a horror movie in real life.