Thursday, August 02, 2007

Is it the luck o' the Irish?

This has been a really good week. Really good. Monday and Tuesday were awesome. I was on call yesterday and they didn't have me come in until 3pm, so I got to sleep until noon. I had to give a talk on positioning patients and the elderly for anesthesia, then start my call duties. There was only ONE case leftover from the day. I got the patient to the PACU at about 7pm then settled down to watch Southpark with the two other residents. We had no other calls after that....and we were on level 1 call! Is it because I'm Irish? Were all the gangbangers at parenting classes and didn't have time to kill each other?

This morning in the Female Physicians Locker Room (which is no bigger than a friends' closet) one of the attendings warned me to be careful on the way home, because with a good night like that, I'm bound to get hit by a truck!

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