Monday, April 30, 2007


Don't you just love payday? I went with Robyn to get a much needed mani-pedi. It would have been perfect if I didn't have such a migraine which lasted ALL DAY until about an hour ago. I even had to break out the leftover pain meds from when I had surgery last year. Now that's a headache!

Tonight I stimulated my dopamine receptors by going to Ulta and buying some new makeup. That store is absolutely dangerous. I've never browsed in there before...until tonight. After I left, I realized they didn't charge me for a make-up bag I bought. I debated going back but I had just been to the grocery store and didn't want my frozen food to thaw. I feel bad. It was only $15, but still, I feel dishonest now. Argh!

Now if anyone is wondering, dopamine is your brain's reward center. I was told by a friend that it has been proven that women get high from shopping, thanks to our dopamine receptors being stimulated.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mini Lion Hell Cat



Today Sarah went to the groomer for the first time ever. I've never had a cat's hair cut short before, but my vet recommended it because Sarah is old, has really long hair, doesn't groom herself as well as she used to, and as a result, gets a lot of mats in her hair that are hard to cut out. I really thought she would be mad about the events that transpired today, but much to my surprise, she seems quite happy with her new look. She's been prancing around the house ever since she got home..and purring like crazy!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Eat Crow

I found out today that Sheryl Crow wants us all to use one square of toilet paper to wipe with. Uh...right. Remind me that if I ever meet her, I should never shake her hand.

What is it with Hollywood? Why can't they just stick to what they know?

Leave me and my gun alone, don't tell me to conserve energy while you fly around in your private jet (ahem, John Travolta, Al Gore to name a few), and please, don't dictate to me how much toilet paper to use!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sad times

My beloved Merrell's got puked on last night by a patient.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Those darn boys!

Last night I was admitting a horribly sick lady who needed an arterial line. I spent at least 30 minutes poking her poor wrist trying to get arterial access. She had virually no pulse which made my job just about impossible. I finally gave up. By noon today, she REALLY need the line put it, so 2 of the other residents went up and did it. They came back down over an hour later and told me that they got it right in on the first try. I believed them. I spent the afternoon feeling bad about my procedure skills and that I let the boys show me up. I found out tonight that wasn't the case at all. Adam couldn't get the line in, and it took Jay (a former phlebotomist) 20 minutes! Those boys! I'm starting to realize I'm not any less competent than they are-they just don't talk about their failures.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Darn you, Clinton!

Last night I was watching a behind the scenes show about Stacy and Clinton's "What Not To Wear". I couldn't believe it when Clinton pulled off a pair of Merrell's EXACTLY like the ones I wear to the hospital everyday and said, "please don't tell anyone you saw me wearing these!".

I love my Merrell's and Clinton dogged them!

Friday, April 13, 2007

A conversation with my friend Robyn yesterday:
Robyn: Hey, what have you been up to?
Me: Just got off work from a 30 hour shift.
Robyn: Oh, is that all?

Hee hee. I thought that was funny.

I had a really busy night. The biggest event was getting called at midnight to see an 82 year old lady the nurse couldn't wake up. I thought she'd been given too much pain medicine, so we tried to give her some meds to reverse the pain meds. That didn't work. I'd been told she threw up several times before I got to her room. While I was in the room, she started having really loud stridor, which had me worried she aspirated vomit since she was unconscious. I went ahead and transferred her to the ICU and then intubated her. I really thought she would be okay once all the meds wore off. I ordered a CT scan of her head, just as a precaution to make sure she didn't have a stroke. The next morning, before the results came back, I went to go see her and look at her chart to see what her doctor had written, since I knew by then he would be there. Her whole family was in there and I saw her husband sitting in a chair next to her, sobbing uncontrollably. I was so touched I was drawn to tears. I didn't realize this at the time, but they must have just been told of her CT results. Unfortunately, she had a severe bleed in her head that caused her brain to herniate badly. That explains why she was unresponsive. The family decided to remove life support, and she died later that day.

I just can't get the image out of my head of her elderly husband crying at her bedside. This sounds horrible, but it made me never want to get married and experience what he is going through. Sooner or later, everything ends. I am in control of nothing.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Fake Bake

Always dreaming to be a sun goddess, I sprayed on some fake tan tonight. If it's how I remember Coppertone's QuickTan worked in the mid 80's, I'm expecting to wake up tomorrow with brown splotches all over me...but hey! It's worth a try! Trying something once every 20 years doesn't hurt. Can I be a sun goddess? Please? I don't even have to be dark brown, just something darker than blinding pale would be just fine.

I was supposed to study tonight, but instead, I smoked cigarettes out on my porch and dreamt of a bigger house filled with Pottery Barn furniture.

I would like to start running again tomorrow. I come up with all kinds of excuses not to. The first week is always the hardest, and I always manage just fine. My latest excuse to not run is that I started some new BCP's last week. Strangely, they have noticeably increased the size of my girls and now they are sore. I don't want to upset them by running.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Today is April 6th. APRIL 6th! And today it snowed. I had to bring in all my potted plants as it's going to get into the 20's at night. I just can't believe it. I'm so glad I didn't go buy a bunch of annuals last weekend like I was planning on doing.

Today I bought a new journal. It's the nicest (and most expensive) one I've ever had. It's #29. I've kept one since I was 10. Whenever I start a new one, I always wonder what the pages are going to say when it is finished. #28 is only a few hundred pages long, yet it took me 7 years to write. My life now, is vastly different from how it was in 2000 when I started it. I've always liked keeping a journal. It's fun to go back and read stuff. I sometimes wonder what the point is though. When I'm dead, my family is going to have a box of homemade books that will just collect dust. They are worth nothing to anybody, except to me. Actually, I'm not sure I want anyone reading my journals. If my parents ever read them, they would be shocked. In junior high and high school, I was profoundly depressed and for awhile, I self medicated with alcohol that I stole from my dad's liquor stash. I would be so embarrassed if they knew what was really going on with me. Looking back though, how could they not have noticed something was wrong? They should have known. Any parent who pays just a little attention to their child would have noticed and intervened. Well, at least I had enough gumption to intervene on myself.

I'm on call tomorrow. Blah! I absolutely hate weekend call. It's the most boring, tense, 24 hours ever. I will spend Sunday attempting to attend church (if I'm not just dead tired) and then going home and going to bed. What a FUN weekend I am in for. At least the weather is going to be crappy, but I will unfortunately miss my neice's 8th birthday. Blah!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I just read on CNN that Keith Richards admits to snorting his father's ashes mixed with cocaine. You just can't make that stuff up, folks! I dont even like it when I get water up my nose while swimming, I wonder what it would feel like if a loved one were up there?