Friday, April 13, 2007

A conversation with my friend Robyn yesterday:
Robyn: Hey, what have you been up to?
Me: Just got off work from a 30 hour shift.
Robyn: Oh, is that all?

Hee hee. I thought that was funny.

I had a really busy night. The biggest event was getting called at midnight to see an 82 year old lady the nurse couldn't wake up. I thought she'd been given too much pain medicine, so we tried to give her some meds to reverse the pain meds. That didn't work. I'd been told she threw up several times before I got to her room. While I was in the room, she started having really loud stridor, which had me worried she aspirated vomit since she was unconscious. I went ahead and transferred her to the ICU and then intubated her. I really thought she would be okay once all the meds wore off. I ordered a CT scan of her head, just as a precaution to make sure she didn't have a stroke. The next morning, before the results came back, I went to go see her and look at her chart to see what her doctor had written, since I knew by then he would be there. Her whole family was in there and I saw her husband sitting in a chair next to her, sobbing uncontrollably. I was so touched I was drawn to tears. I didn't realize this at the time, but they must have just been told of her CT results. Unfortunately, she had a severe bleed in her head that caused her brain to herniate badly. That explains why she was unresponsive. The family decided to remove life support, and she died later that day.

I just can't get the image out of my head of her elderly husband crying at her bedside. This sounds horrible, but it made me never want to get married and experience what he is going through. Sooner or later, everything ends. I am in control of nothing.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Wow, what a fun job you have!