Monday, April 23, 2007

Eat Crow

I found out today that Sheryl Crow wants us all to use one square of toilet paper to wipe with. Uh...right. Remind me that if I ever meet her, I should never shake her hand.

What is it with Hollywood? Why can't they just stick to what they know?

Leave me and my gun alone, don't tell me to conserve energy while you fly around in your private jet (ahem, John Travolta, Al Gore to name a few), and please, don't dictate to me how much toilet paper to use!


Robyn said...

Sadly, I know a certain child who would love the one square rule. Just one of the many joys of step-parenting.

Dan and Libby said...

Private jets use less fuel than commercial airlines. But then, private jets help pay my mortgage! ;)