Sunday, August 19, 2007


The strangest thing happened overnight. What looked exactly like a tropical depression hit last night. I don't live in a hurricane state. I live in the Midwest. We had rain predicted as remnants of a hurricane that hit Texas a few days ago was supposed to come through. Mr. Weatherman predicted about an inch of rain for the entire weekend. Yesterday it started raining around 5pm. No big deal. Then around midnight, the rain did something weird. The storm organized itself back into a tropical depression, complete with an eye, lots of wind, warm rain, tornadoes, and rain bands..then dumped 7 inches of rain on us overnight. I've never seen anything like it. I woke up at 5am to the loudness of the storm and couldn't believe it when I turned on the TV and saw on the radar what looked exactly like a mini-hurricane over my state. Very strange. I know, this sounds like no big deal, but it was really an oddity. There's flooding everywhere, and I was starting to get concerned about my house..but all is well.

I guess I won't do my Sunday Night ritual of watering the lawn tonight. : )

I'm trying to think positive about work tomorrow, but the truth is, I'm still upset about the events on Friday. I guess I just need to be thankful that I am me and not the miserable, unhappy person that my attending is.


Dan and Libby said...

Maybe you could tell Mr. Puffed-up Chest that there is no need to be rude. Or not. Sorry you have to work with him. xo

P.S. The rain flooded my mom's closet!!!

Anonymous said...

You water every Sunday night? Your lawn must look fabulous!

Kate said...

Yeah, my yard does look good. The water bill, however, does not look so good.