Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What the normal people do

Today I got to be a normal person. I got to sleep most of the night on call so today ended up being a day off instead of a day of sleep. I got to put on normal clothes, fix my hair and know that it's not destined to be ruined by a scrub hat, put on lipstick, and go to lunch with a friend. I looked around the restaurant and thought to myself, "so this is what normal people look like". : )

Last night wasn't too bad. I had a good feeling about it. Since I'm at the bottom of the food chain in our department, I had to carry the emergency airway phone, in case anyone needs intubating in the middle of the night. It rarely rings, so when it rang at midnight, I didn't know where the noise was coming from. Intubating someone in the hospital reminded me so much of my intern year, but easier. I'm required to call my attending for those situations, so he came and helped. There's something about having your attending there that just makes everything not so stressful. Can't get the intubation? Let the attending do it! Well, this one was easy so I looked like a total superstar. Finished. Wrote a note about the situation, left a copy for our billing secretary (oh by the way, what I did just earned the department $800), restocked the tackle box full of emergency airway knick-knacks, and went back to bed.

I just saw the schedule for tomorrow and I'm with Dr. Macho Yeller. My stomach already hurts. My goal tomorrow is to mend things with him.


Suzie said...

glad you feel normal every now and then.

btw- how much of teh *00 do you get to keep? none?

Kate said...

Absolutely none.

Dan and Libby said...

Don't try too hard to please Old Yeller. Hang in there!