Monday, August 13, 2007

Holy Smokes I am tired. It's only Monday. I had all weekend to rest. And yet I'm still exhausted. My old neighbor Patty came over tonight and even commented how worn out I looked. I guess I should be. I worked over 80 hours last week and the time I'm at work, as fun as it is, is pretty stressful.Being in charge of someone's life during surgery is stressfull. You have to time everything just right so they'll start breathing on their own at the end of the case, but yet you don't want to turn the gas off to soon or they might remember something from the surgery. I'm starting to realize it's an art. But I digress. Back to being tired. I'm going to bed earlier and earlier. I've come to care less about having a life, and more about getting sleep. I'm officially a true old person. I've even ordered a bunch of herbal supplements to ward off bad things that are waiting to happen to me when I'm older.

My last case today was an emergency I&D on a guy with a big abscess on his hand. It took 400mg of Propofol and 250 mcg of fentanyl just to make him unconscious. That's about twice the normal dose. He woke up while I was intubating him, which warranted getting more meds. My attending was shocked. I'm thinking the guy is a big alcoholic. He also woke up really fast at the end of the surgery. And he was wide awake and not groggy. Totally blew my mind.

I've finally started extubating by myself. I did 4 today and some on Friday. It's not so bad. I just wait until they can follow commands and I do it. So far, so good.

Remember that case I had last week where my attending made me extubate a patient too weak to breathe? He's been bugging me about the case everyday. I wish he'd freaking leave me alone about it. I'm sick of hearing about it. The whole thing was his fault anyway...The other residents told me that if it makes it to M&M, it's going to be really obvious to everyone that the incident was his fault, and not to worry about it. I think they're right.

And one last parting note, will it every rain again? Will it ever be cool outside again? It's 9:15pm and 92 degrees outside. Need I say more?

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