Sunday, July 15, 2007

tough decision

My kitties were diagnosed with chronic renal failure earlier this year (due to their age, not the pet food scare). I had to change their food to a low protein/low phosphate food to take some stress of their kidneys. Well, it hasn't gone well. I've tried 3 different brands, and all of them make them sick. The last brand I tried made them vomit several times a day. I found myself coming home to a mess everyday, and God forbid if I'm gone for a weekend- then there's REALLY a mess. Yesterday I realized I'm basically on Puke Patrol. (I guess that's better than Poop Patrol which is what my friend Pastorsbride is on.) Anyway, the vomiting is just getting worse and one of the kitties looks dangerously thin. I made the tough decision today to put them back on their regular food that they've eaten their whole life and enjoy. It will probably cause their renal failure to progress faster, but I think it's better to have a cat that is able to absorb food and stay at a healthy weight. I means what's the point of being on a renal diet if you can't tolerate the food? Well, since I changed their food today, neither of them has vomited. That's a good sign.

My test yesterday was awful. I had a real false sense of security on Friday. I'm quite certain I scored in the zeroeth percentile and will be called into our program director's office.

Speaking of tests, if I have to pass a drug test in order to get paid, shouldn't people on welfare have to pass a drug test in order to get my money that I had to take a drug test to earn for them in the first place? How un-PC of me to pick on people who won't work...

And yet a bit of good news: My dad is out of the hospital and it appears that it is unlikely he has lung cancer. He leads a charmed life.

1 comment:

Dan and Libby said...

Your friend Pastor's Bride is on poo patrol? Ahem. Your friend Cancer Dog's Mom is on poo patrol! Now that she's eating lots, anyhow. This new fancy food that looks like a human Thanksgiving meal doesn't seem to have tons of fiber in it. Maybe I need to talk to Pastor's Bride about sneaking some into her diet ...

Sorry about your test. Glad about your kitties' food! And glad about your dad's charmed life.

Oh, and I'm so glad the patient stopped breathing because of something other than you!

Am off to Iowa. xo