Thursday, August 24, 2006

What an irritating week. I had to give one of those presentations on Monday. I thought I was really prepared and had researched every possible thing I thought I would be asked. The one thing I forgot, the patient's EKG, was the one thing they asked for. It turned out to be a big deal. One of the doctors got mad and told me (in front of everyone) that my presentation was poorly put together and that they could not ask me any questions because I didn't have the EKG. Now, that wasn't really true, there was plenty they could ask, but I didn't argue with him. I just stood there in front of the room not saying anything. It was really embarassing. If that wasn't bad enough, he then REPEATED the fact that my presentation was poor, like I wasn't already humiliated by his previous comments. I finally got to go back to my seat. Then the worst happened: My eyes filled with tears. So, not only was I reduced to nothing in front of my peers and attendings, but then I have to top it off by crying. I just looked down and got the tears to stop before they broke free and ran down my face, which would be a dead giveaway.

I found out later from a nurse that same doctor then bitched about my presentation up in the ICU to all of them. Great. Let's just call the page operator and have her get on the intercom and tell everyone in the hospital how horrible my presentation was. What a jerk!

Well today was better. Through a fortunate turn of events, I managed to get the day off except I had to go to noon conference. I actually got close to 9 hours of sleep. It was wonderful! After conference I went to The Boyfriend's house to turn on his lawn sprinklers (he's out of town). While waiting for the sprinkler to quit cycling, I polished off a pint a vanilla Haagan-Daz he had in the freezer. That may have just been the best moment of my week. I felt so content sitting there all by myself eating the ice-cream. I had no where to be and no responsibility to anyone. I should definitely buy more ice cream!

1 comment:

Dan and Libby said...

That doctor is either short or has a small you-know-what.