Tuesday, August 29, 2006

So, I decided to start doing my hour walks in the morning instead of at night. I just don't have enough time after work to do everything I want to do, and spend time with The Boyfriend. And lately, I've been working until 6-6:30pm which makes it really tough. I was so good about getting exercise everyday before I started residency, but now it's become my nemesis. I feel guilty and fat. I know it's been awhile since I've worked this much, but honestly I don't remember having so little free time! To top things off, band starts next week, like I have any leftover time for that! I suppose I will make it work. I just hate feeling stretched thin. And I think this is supposed to be the easy year!

1 comment:

Dan and Libby said...

Morning workouts give you better perspective on your whole day. Just ask Rocket Dog!