Friday, December 29, 2006

Me is sick. It hit me yesterday....sore throat, malaise, achey, tired...blah. It hit Mr. Big today. Tonight both of our pathetic souls camped out on the couch and watched the news, then took a nap. There is one thing nice about being sick: it let's you do things that you normally feel guilty doing, like lazing around the house. Unfortunately for me, I'm on call tomorrow from 8am to 8am, so no rest for the wicked. I'm just praying for a good day. I'm due for a nice, calm call shift.

What I'm listening to: Defying Gravity from Wicked (I have to brag that I went to college with Kristen Chenoweth. She's just as nice as she seems, too!)


Sherri said...

I like to say that the reason I never got a role in any OCU productions is because Kristi was taking them all.

Really it's because I didn't audition very often. Assuming I'd have been good enough. Whatever.

This sickness you speak of seems to be traveling by internet, rather than air. We had it too. Hope you feel better.

Dan and Libby said...

I missed her in Wicked when I saw it in NY, but I did see the amazing Idina Menzel. In-laws just bought me that soundtrack!