Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Residency Diet Plan

I've been on a diet since January. I want to lose 15 pounds. I started counting Weight Watchers points and had pretty good luck, but I hit a plateau after I lost 7 pounds. I've been walking 3 miles 5 times a week for almost 1 1/2 years. During my vacation I added The Firm twice a week thinking that I needed to supplement my exercise with weights. Still, my weight didn't budge. Then I started residency. I thought I was going to gain the 7 pounds back because I don't get to walk my 3 miles as often. Granted, I am on my feet ALL DAY at the hospital but it's not really aerobic. I've also noticed I've had a ravenous appetite and have been eating like a big pig lately. Well, I guess all that doesn't matter because I weighed today and Eureka!! I lost 2 pounds in 1 1/2 weeks! The elusive 2 pounds I have been struggling with for 2 months have finally come off! Could residency be the secret potion for weight loss?

I was on call last night. I was busy until 4am admitting patients. Everytime I would get finished with one, the ER would page me with another one. It was crazy. These people were really sick, too. One lady close to my age gorked her liver with chronic alcoholism and was as yellow as an Oompa Loompa. Another elderly gentleman was so demented that he cursed me when I tried to examine him. It was endearing. I felt bad for him. Confused and angry, he didn't know where he was, and he didn't know who the family members were that had come to see him. So when he cursed at me, I just smiled. Another lady has meningitis. One guy had a liver trasplant a few months ago and was complaining of a big belly. I can't remember what was wrong with one admission, and then there's my last one. Some goon who overdosed on Soma and was a real pain in the ass. By then it was 4am and I was losing my patience with him. I enjoyed listening to him holler while the nurse put in his foley catheter. I felt like the evil witch doctor for that.

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