Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Has it been over a week? All my friends are WAY ahead of me on blogging, so, even though I need to go to bed because I will be up for 24+ hours tomorrow (stay off the road around 8am Thursday) I will blog.

The Boyfriend and I went to Dallas last weekend and stayed at the Westin at the Galleria. His brother and sister-in-law are about to move to Dallas so we met them there and got to see the new house they are building. I'd never met them before so that was fun too. The wife is 14 weeks pregnant with triplets so things are getting exciting for them. Now that I've seen this humongous house they are building, I want to buy a bigger house. There was a gang shooting at the 7-11 two blocks from my house recently and it has me wanting to move about 10 miles North. I love my little house though. I planted trees, crepe myrtles, refinished the wood floors, had porcelain tile put in the kitchen, painted...and now I want to move. All that work I put in is being ruined by a bunch of stupid gang bangers who have no respect for human life.

So, getting back to Dallas. I managed to spend $377 on 2 pairs of jeans and a t-shirt. it's my best work yet. Perhaps if I didn't spend so much on clothes I could afford a larger house payment!!

Now for my rant. What is it with voters?? I'm not even talking about people not in my party. I'm talking about people WITHIN my party. Today we had a primary election for governer, Lt governer, and a bunch of other stuff. Somehow I managed to vote for the candidates who lost. I'm convinced that most voters don't care about the issues and they vote by name recognition. I'm ready to get rid of career politicians and elect some new blood, but no, we have to keep voting for the same old boring people because most people who vote are not very smart. I've decided that voting should only be a priviledge to those who pay taxes. Why should somebody on welfare be allowed to vote on what to do with MY tax money?? Seems a bit like theft to me....

Well now I'm sure I've managed to piss people off with my opinions. Just so you know, I make no apologies. I worked as a social worker for 6 years and saw how great entitlement programs work. Just so you know.

1 comment:

Dan and Libby said...

The uninformed voters are at both ends of the spectrum; I bet the ones you didn't like have friend$ with money ;) I support you 100% on the jeans. Stacey London says think more about how often you'll wear something than how much it cost. Of course today I spent only $16 on a used designer skirt, probably because it was a good label ... Sorry about your neighborhood. We got a crime emergency going on in my city. Seriously.