Thursday, July 06, 2006

My first code

Ask any resident where the worst place in a hospital to have a code is, and they'll tell you in radiology on the CT scanner. Guess where my first code was? Radiology at the CT scanner. When my pager went off, Hell, I didn't even know where radiology was! So I get there, along with my 7 other colleague-residents who came along, and there are no less than 25 people there watching the show. The lady had sort of been brought back by the time I got there, so she was quickly transported back up to ICU (without getting the CT). No sooner do we get to her room and she codes again. Fortunately for me, ICU nurses can run codes without me but I have to be there anyway so I ordered some lab work. I tried to run through my head what could be wrong, but she was so sick, it could have been anything and there comes a point where a loved one needs to decide enough is enough. Her doctor came in and then went out to talk to the family. They decided not to have her resuscitated anymore, so the nurses cleaned the patient up and the family came in to spend the last few hours with her. She died about 3 hours later.

Tomorrow I am not a house officer. I don't have to admit patients or respond to codes. I can relax. I'm glad my first week is almost over.

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