Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What's grosser than gross?

This afternoon I took full advantage of my post call day by going to Barnes and Noble for some much needed studying. While there, I visited the ladies room. While washing my hands another lady came in. She was talking quietly. At first I thought she was talking to herself. The more she talked, I started to realize she was talking on her cell phone. OK whatever, kinda weird but surely she'll get off the phone in a second. The lady went into the stall and started doing her business, and WAS STILL ON THE PHONE! OMG!

I really cannot believe that there are people out there who think that is even remotely okay.


Suzie said...


Dan and Libby said...

My mom asked me yesterday, on the phone, if I would mind if she did just that. She was in the restroom at Macy's. I thought of you and said: "Don't worry about me -- what about the other people in the restroom; will they mind?" She said, "Let me call you back."