Saturday, September 08, 2007

Snarky Me

I was on trauma call last night and was up all night helping out in a big heart case that came in. I was just counting the hours until 7am when the fresh call people came in and relieved me and the other resident. Around 6:30am, the perfusionist asked one of the nurses if she wouldn't mind going and getting her a Mountain Dew. Not a selfish request since the perfusionist can't leave the room and she had been in there since 10pm and was dead tired and thirsty. The nurse refused. She asked another nurse. Again, refused. That really made me mad, so when I got free, I went down and bought her a Mountain Dew. The case was not going well and she was probably going to be in there another 4 or 5 hours. I mean, show some mercy people! It's not like the nurses were even busy. They were all just sitting there.

Oddly enough, I lost my giving spirit an hour later. All night long I'd been thinking I'd go to Panera Bread and get a mini souffle for breakfast. I got there and realized I'd left my wallet in my locker at work. Had to drive all the way back to the hospital, park in an unauthorized spot (because the resident lot is 1/2 mile away and I'm too tired to walk that far), go back inside, get my wallet, walk back to my car and drive back to Panera Bread. By then I'm cranky because I've wasted an hour. I got inside, stood in line, and watched with disbelief as the guy in front of me bought the last souffle. I was furious! I wanted to really hurt that guy. Funny what sleep deprivation does to you.

When I got home (sans souffle), some friends had called and had an extra ticket for me to go to a big football game with them. They were on their way to pick me up as soon as I called them back. Any other time I would have jumped at that, but I was completely wiped out. Don't you hate it when you want to do something so bad, but you know you are just too tired? That's how I felt. I was so torn, but seeing as how I had homicidal thoughts toward the guy that bought the last souffle, I thought it best not to surround myself with 85,000 drunk, screaming people at a football game. That was my public service duty of the day.


Suzie said...

wow I luv the souffle at Panera! I'd be upset too!

Anonymous said...

You must be like me...when I'm over tired, I'm so cranky and it's best that I not be with others until sleep has occured.

Dan and Libby said...

I am so sorry about the souffle. That is awful.