Sunday, November 05, 2006

48 hours and counting...

Until the end of the elections! Is anybody else REALLY tired of hearing about it? If I had the money and the time, I would individually mail every election flyer I have received back to the personal home of the candidates. One by one, everyday...they would get their dumb flyers in the mail. I love the idea. I never received my ticket to take my licensing exam in the mail. I am blaming it on the elections. I think I became overzealous in throwing away junk mail and may not have seen the skinny envelope helplessly wedged in between one candidate's pledge for "Faith, Family, and Freedom" and another's pledge for "Conservative Values"....whatever the heck that means. What I find funny is the "Faith, Family, and Freedom" candidate got divorced after she cheated on her husband. How's that for hypocrisy? God I love politicians......

Moving on.....

Where did the weekend go? Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow?

First of all, my weekend began with an unfortunate accident involving me and some Veet. I use the stuff a lot and have never had problems. This time I ended up with alkaline burns all over my legs. Talk about painful....

I dropped off The Boyfriend at the airport today. He's going to a medical conference to get some CME credits in. I have absolutely no reason not to study a lot this week. That is my goal: study a lot.

1 comment:

Dan and Libby said...

I KNEW I should never try VEET!!! What happened? And p.s. I know who the faith family and freedom candidate is you're talking about ...