Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A new obsession

Pottery Barn. I love their furniture. I love their catalogues. The Boyfriend (who now wishes to be called Big Guy on my blog), gets their catalogues in the mail. I always like looking at them, but there's something about being gainfully employed that makes me want their stuff even more. I found about $4,000 of furniture that I MUST have! I swore off cheap furniture...I'm a grown up now and want nice I may just save my money and buy one piece at a time. I don't know much about their furniture though. It seems pretty sturdy in their store,but I don't want to buy something of low quality that is overpriced, so I have some research to do.

I guess I'm blogging about furniture because there's nothing else to blog about. Work is okay. I'm back at the universit hospital this month. Twice now, I've been told, "NURSE! Go get me a coke!". Well, there are just a few things wrong with that request:
1. I'M NOT A NURSE! Yes, they even let women into med school now!
2. If I was a nurse, I have more important things to do than to run around getting people sodas
3. If I was a nurse, a simple "please may I have a soda?" would have a profound effect on whether or not you actually got one
4. Don't ever order me around. It's bad enough being an intern. I'm not about to start taking orders from rude patients that aren't even mine.

1 comment:

Dan and Libby said...

The secret to cheap Pottery Barn furniture is, you scout out floor samples when they're trying to move merchandise! That's how we got a cheap Crate and Barrel couch and chair and ottoman. Also check out It's a little less.

You sure Big Guy doesn't want to be Mr. Big? ;)