Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Rules for watching sports

This weekend The Boyfriend and I went out of town with some friends for a big football game. We left Thursday and came back on Sunday. It was really nice to have 3 1/2 days off but it sure made coming back to work hard! Friday we went to Humperdink's which (I guess) is the designated hang out for our team's fans. It was pretty much standing room only. We got there at 1pm and stayed until about 6pm, just drinking and hanging out with our friends. Saturday, we went to a watch party at a friend of a friend's house(tickets too expensive and who wants to sit in the endzone?). There were about 8 of us there watching the game. The guy hosting the get together invited his neighbors and their kids over to watch the game. My experience that day made me think about some general rules that should be followed when watching a sporting event on TV with friends:

1. Don't talk incessantly during the game, some of us actually want to watch it and hear the commentary
2. Don't exchange recipes with the person across the room when others are trying to watch the game
3. Don't ask for the results of a replay/review 5 minutes after the fact because you were too busy exchanging recipes to pay attention
4. Get a babysitter
5. Don't block the TV during every critical play by getting up to go into the kitchen for more food
6. When there are only 3 minutes left, and your team is losing by 18 points, don't make the announcement that "all we need is a touchdown, and interception leading to a touchdown, then another touchdown to win the game". You sound like a moron.

OK some of these may sounds harsh, but that girl was driving me absolutely crazy. I found out later she was driving a lot of people crazy, but we were all too nice to tell her to shut up and sit still, so instead, I'm blogging about it here for the world to see.

1 comment:

Dan and Libby said...

But is it OK to ask general questions ... like what does first and 10 mean?! I can explain to you what a ground rule double is though.