Thursday, October 19, 2006

My own Gray's Anatomy

I sort of despise that show for its numerous inaccuracies. However, it seems so convenient on Thursday evenings just to watch it since it's on. That being said, I secretly cringe when people try to associate anything I do in residency with what the pseudo-interns do on Gray's. Like my haircut lady. She wanted to know all about the exciting things I do. Well, for starters, people don't want to hear about the guy with a potassium of 7.5 that you saw in the ICU, they want to hear about two people joined together in a freak accident involving a metal spear. Hmmm. So, I told my hairdresser about having to run codes in the middle of the night and how stressful that can be. "You mean like they do on Gray's Anatomy?" "Uh, no", I replied, "I actually work".

Today I got a glimpse of my own hospital gossip and it felt very much like G.A. One of my old sorority friends had a summer fling with an anesthesiologist at the hospital where I work. As it turns out, I graduated from high school with the anesthesiologist but never knew him. As soon as my friend slept with him, he never called her again. No explanation, no nothing. If you ask me, he's a bit old for that kind of behavior, but whatever. Well anyway, I ran into him today in the physician's cafeteria. I've never met him before but I heard him on the phone saying he was Dr. X and to give such and such medicine to the pt. After he got off the phone, I introduced myself and told him we graduated high school together. He said my name sounded familiar and asked how he knew me. I told him that I'm friends with X who he briefly dated over the summer. Without even blinking, he asked how she was and for me to say hi to her. I so wanted to ask him why he never called her back and how could he treat someone like that, doesn't he want to get married someday? But I didn't. I didn't want to make things worse for my friend. Other than that small glitch in his pesonality, he seemed quite nice. I wish he would just call her and tell her why he was a jerk. It's too late though, I'm sure she's moved on.

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