Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Does anyone actually read this blog? I'm not really very funny and I spend a lot of time complaining.

I've been way tired this week. I was on call 24 hours Saturday and it was the worst call shift I've had to date. I was up absolutely all night and very busy. I always had a handful of patients to admit throughout the night, plus I had a lot of problems with patients I had admitted earlier in the day. One guy was dangerously hyperkalemic and I was up in the ICU for much of the wee hours trying to get his potassium down. I had a lot of nursing calls and just miscellaneous stuff. Around 2am, I was near tears and wanting desperately to just walk out so I called The Boyfriend who gave me a loving pep talk. Around 5am I was just so tired that everytime my pager went off I just thought it was funny. Needless to say, Sunday after I got home I was a complete zombie. I'm still tired. I was going to run this morning before work, and when my alarm went off, I got up, looked out the window, and went back to bed for an hour.

I did have a good day though. I got notes written on all my ICU patients before lunch, and the attending who I thought hated me told me today that the notes I wrote were "really good". : ) We got finished early and I got to go home at 3pm.

I tried out a new Yoga for Weight Loss video I got for free last week. There's just something not right about the title of that video. I'll be the first to admit yoga can be difficult, but it's more stretching and balance than anything. At least for me, weight loss involves getting your heart rate up and sweating my butt off doing The Firm videos or running.....not yoga.

Well this weekend looks promising. I'm getting together with some friends from elementary school hopefully on Sunday. We got together over the summer, but that seems like a long time ago. Plus, last time they saw me, I was sporting a different nose. I have a new one now..not yet the final product but slowly getting there every week. So, we are trying to put together a little slumber party that night and I was able to take off Monday morning. It will seem like old times. One of the friends, Pinkstripe, had the kind of mom that bought cool snacks whenever there was a slumber party. Maybe I'll drink a suicide for old times' sake. Then there was Robyn, whose mom threw her a "pizza quick sauce" birthday party. We spent the whole time making our own mini pizzas. Old friends are the best!


Sherri said...

I'm reading!

A new nose? What happened to your old one?

I just figured out how to make great pizza...you have to brush the crust with butter and sprinkle basil on it...yum.


Dan and Libby said...

I can't wait to see your new nose. Maybe we'll take our pix in profile together so I can imagine your new nose on my face! I hope we do get to have the sleepover. My mom is primed and ready to provide whatever food and drinks we want!

Why was the guy's potassium high?

And why don't I remember Robyn's pizza sauce b-day party???