Wednesday, October 31, 2007

This one is for Robyn

I had this patient today who sufferred some pretty bad injuries to her face this weekend. She had a rather angular face, but who am I to judge? Her face was bruised and swollen so I have no clue what she normally looks like. My attending kept accidentally referring to her as "he". I was embarrassed for him and he kept doing it, but to the patient's annoyance. So me, being the clueless person I am, am getting ready to intubate her. We have her on the table, I'm giving oxygen, my attending is putting meds in the IV. What to do you suppose tipped me off that this was really a dude I was dealing with? Was it his very large Adam's apple? Was it his stubbly face and square jaw? Or how about his deep voice? No! What tipped me off that this was really a guy, was that when I looked down his airway, I realized I would have to use a Mac 4 blade to get the tube down. I only use Mac 4's on dudes! That's what tipped me off! It is official. The only way I can tell apart men and women is by direct largyngoscopy to see what size blade would reach the eppiglottis.

It's official. I'm am now what you'd call in the truest sense, a Nerd.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

THAT'S how they teach doctors to tell the difference between boys and girls? Sheeez!