Monday, October 08, 2007

My Vaca, part 1

Did ya'll think I fell of the earth?

I had 10 days off. I took two trips. In 10 days, I was home 1 day. I started back to work this morning, exhausted and badly needing another vaca to catch up on sleep.

Trip #1: I surprise visited my friend, Pink, who lives in Washington, D.C. Being the shrewd, sneaky person that I am, I constructed a secret vaca to D.C. and crashed Pink's birthday party. Only her husband knew of the plan....and it worked, but barely. Pink is a shrewd, sneaky person herself, and suspected something was up, but fortunately, her parents showed up first, so she thought they were the surprise. When I showed up at her door during the party, she was speechless and teared up. Mission Completed.

We had a great time and I got to see a lot of stuff I missed back in June. ie..Spy Museum (I'm going to quit medicine and become a spy now), Holocaust Museum, and The Phillips Collection. I braved the metro by myself and managed to not get lost in D.C. while looking for these various sites. The Phillips Collection was neat because I saw some of the collection in 6th grade when it went on special tour throughout the U.S. and our class took a field trip to see it. That's when I saw a real Renoir for the first time. It was really neat getting to see my favorite painting again after 25 years.

Oh yeah, and I got to eat some great food, met a bunch of her friends, had long talks, and spent time with the sick doggie who has hemangiosarcoma.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

I'm so jealous you saw the Phillips Collection!

Oh, and I'm jealous you saw Pink too!