Sunday, October 28, 2007

Quiet Saturday

Don't ever say the "Q Word" when you are on call. It's a jinx. Q is for quiet. The minute you say it's quiet, it gets busy. Now, I'm not a superstitious person, but I'm not going to chance things, either. Plainly put, I had one of the best Saturdays on call ever. I only had 2 cases the whole 24 hours. One at 7am and one at 11pm.

My first case was kind of funny. It was a tracheostomy on a guy who has been intubated for awhile. I think I've mentioned before about fights breaking out between staff during the surgery. Well yesterday yielded a pretty good one. The scrub tech was being bossy to everyone. Yes, the scrub tech. The least educated person in the OR thought she was somehow the most powerful person in there. She was hateful to me, bossy to the nurse, and just generally being a pain in the ass. Finally, the surgeon had enough and told her that he really didn't need her in the case and could do her job for her just fine if she wanted to leave. She left, and we enjoyed the rest of the case. Of course, now the scrub tech is saying that we were all mean to her. Funny how there are people out there who can dish it out but can't take it when it's given back to them.

My other case was an extremely intoxicated fellow wrecked his motorcycle when he tried to drive it with the front wheels locked. He was nice to me, but being very mean to the recovery nurse, yelling at her a bunch. He sounded like a monster the way he was growling at her and carrying on. I finally had enough and told him he needs to be nice to the person who is giving him the pain medicine. He slept the rest of the night. Yes, I know it's mean to threaten to withhold pain meds in exchange for civil behavior, but in this case I felt it was appropriate.

1 comment:

Chellie said...

It was wonderful seeing you!