Sunday, May 06, 2007

Did you know?

3tablespoons of canned bee maggots has 65 calories?
2 ounces of canned catepillars has 60 calories?
and that 1 ounce of raw silkworms contain a mere 60 calories?

It's all in this new calorie counting book I bought yesterday. I've been reading it all morning along with watching Sunday morning's lineup of infomercials (by the way, I NEED a cordless magic bullet). Yes, I'm bored. I'm at the hospital and on call until 8am tomorrow. It ain't so bad anymore. Due to a very lucky turn of events last week, the residents aren't called by the ER anymore to admit patients. That means all I do is take floor calls and run codes. There are never many floor calls (especially since I don't have to write admission orders anymore) and there will probably only be 2 codes today (based on previous experience). Not sure how long this luck will last, but I am enjoying it. I'm quite sure as soon as our boss finds out we haven't been doing admissions on call, she will find some way to ruin it. But for today, all is well with the world.