Wednesday, May 23, 2007

There's a nurse practitioner that works in the NICU where I am this month. She makes it pretty clear to all the residents that she doesn't like us and that she is "the captain of the ship" (even though she's not, the NICU DOCTORS are). Anyway, I've spent the month avoiding her because I find her super annoying. Every Wednesday the NICU staff meets and discusses issues with the babies. She manages to monopolize the topic every week by talking about...what else? Herself!

Today was no different. For one thing, let me point out that she dresses completely inappropriate for an ICU setting. She wears heels everyday with short suits (that her girls practically pop out of). Today she was laughing and talking about all the times she's almost fallen and dropped babies because her heels got caught on something. I just sat there, completely appalled that she thought that was funny. I wanted to blurt out, "maybe this wouldn't happen if you were wearing appropriate shoes for the ICU". I kept quiet. No one else seemed to think any of this was alarming. I bet OSHA would. In fact, I bet OSHA would find my story quite interesting.

I do know this: If I was the mother of a sick newborn in the NICU, I would be absolutely pissed if she almost dropped my baby because of a stupid clothing malfunction. I would make it clear she is not to touch my kid ever again.

Yikes, suddenly I've turned into a lioness protecting her cub.


Sherri said...

How in the heck does she work all day in high heels?

And yeah, having a sick baby is bad enough without worrying about some idiot dropping her.

Dan and Libby said...

Bet you even Stacy and Clinton would say she's over the top. They're all for appropriate work attire. Although they still might not want her to wear Merrills! ;)