Monday, January 15, 2007

Ice Storm 2007!!

If you watched the news where I live, you would think it was Armageddon. The drama started last Monday when they predicted an ice storm would hit Friday. Yes, Friday. They talked endlessly about it all week until.....Friday, when it happened. Sleet began to fall and the news soon went on simultaneous coverage for 24 hours. Can you believe it? 24 hours of non-stop Armageddon-Ice-Storm-2007 drama. I loved the storm. I was on call Friday Night and because the roads were so bad, people decided they just weren't sick enough to come to the hospital, which meant an easier night for me. Yes, it's all about me. I was still busy though. Just not AS busy. The storm pretty much lasted all weekend. I woke up Sunday Morning to sleet pelting the windows and roof and.....thunder! It was glorious!! Not so glorious to the 100,000+ folks on the eastern part of my state. They got freezing rain and lost power. That happened to me 5 years ago and it was a complete drag. I'm lucky I live in a big city and was only out of electricity for a day. Those poor people are in smaller towns and it may be weeks.

Now, getting back to "Ice Storm 2007" (insert dramatic music here just like the news did), I went to the store Tuesday Night to buy a few things "just in case". There was a thoughtful sign up at the store warning us all of the impending doom and giving us helpful advice on what staples to buy. Included on that list was of course, cigarettes. I did a double take. Cigarettes? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Yes, by all means, be sure and stock up on cigarettes in case you can't get to your neighborhood 7-11 during the storm. Good grief. That is pathetic. Whoever put that sign up should be ashamed of himself. In fact, I think I will write them and let them know.

1 comment:

Dan and Libby said...

Did the sign say booze? Priorities.