Sunday, January 07, 2007

Boo bees

I have to go back to work tomorrow. Not only do I have to get up before 11am, I have to get up at 5am!! Thank God for Ambien, otherwise, I'd be getting 4 hours of sleep tonight instead of 7 or 8!

I guess I am ready to go back. My intern year has been pretty fun so far. I'm half way finished now, and with my licensing test over (hopefully I passed), I can just cruise for 6 months until I start doing anesthesia. All of my friends are just now starting to study for it and are getting stressed....not me!

Sadie is feeling much better. She's acting much more like her old self and she's not meowing all the time (in an attempt to tell me her teeth really hurt). I bought her one of those water bowls that recirculate water and then it comes out a little spigot to simulate a real faucet. I'm not sure if she's drinking out of it yet, but she hasn't been spending all her time in my bathroom waiting for me to turn on the sink faucet, so I think she must be (that's how she likes her water). Now she has fresh flowing water even when I'm gone, which, when I'm on call, is about 30 hours. It's important for her to get plenty of water now.

Mr Big and I went to Pottery Barn today. I finally decided what kind of bedroom furniture I'm going to buy. I'm pretty excited. I love their stuff and he bought me a very generous gift certificate to their store for Christmas. I can't wait to get my furniture!

Mr. Big told me a funny joke today: What goes, "BZZZZZZZ....BOO! BZZZZZZZZ ....BOO!" ?
Answer: boobies!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

You have to go back to work? Rats. I was ready to hang out.

It must be so exciting to be an intern! Just like Grey's Anatomy! Perhaps you don't have a Mr. Big, but rather a McDreamy.