Sunday, December 16, 2007

Crazy week

Late last week I went to NYC for an anesthesia conference. I had a great time but I'll save that story for another time. I came home and found that my power was out due to Big Ice Storm 2007. My house was so cold that you could see my breath. Yikes. I shacked up at my friend Julie's until Friday when it came back on. Friday! 5 days without any electricity! My poor kitties survivied it though. None of the food in my fridge did. And my yard was a mess of branches that had broken off from the weight of the ice.

It's just been a crazy week. I came home from the conference with a bad cold, and as soon as I got back, it's back to the daily grind of 13 hour days at work, then I was on call until 7am this morning. I'm worn out. One day was particularly bad. I think it was Thursday. I developed a migraine and it just went on and on forever. I was at work and could not leave. (doctors don't get sick). I felt so nauseated that I had to put an alcohol swab inside my surgery mask. (little known fact that sniffing alcohol helps with nausea.I learned this from one of our nurses). I finally got off work that night at 7:30.

I surprised myself. I always wondered what would happen when I got a migraine at work and couldn't leave. I survived.

1 comment:

Chellie said...

I wondered what you would be returning to! My power was out 6 days. This has been so taxing. Aren't we so glad to be a part of the worst power outage in history?