Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Miss me? Last week I went to Washington, D.C. and hung out with 2 friends from elementary school. I AM back in one piece. I came back so tired that I was convinced I needed another vacation. We had a great time and fit absolutely everything we could into 5 days. Since I'm not near as funny as my friend Robyn...aka Pastor's Bride, you can read her blog about our trip. She summed it up quite nicely...

My friends

My friends and me on a boat on the Potomac. If you look really closely, you might see the infamous Snakehead Fish that now plagues the river...or you might not. Or even worse, you might see a Penis Fish that has Robyn worried. Then again, last I heard these were only found in the Amazon.

This is what's left of our feet after tromping all over Washington D.C. all day. I realize now, flip flops were probably not the best foot attire for long walks. I have sores all over my angry feet to prove it.

To change the subject, today was my last day of my intern year. I can't believe it. I'm sad. I love the hospital I am at and will really miss everyone. Last night when I was on call, I went by all the ICU's and said goodbye to the nurses. Today I said goodbye to my attending docs I've had throughout the year. Just an outstanding bunch of people. Tonight was our graduation. I just can't believe it's over. Parts of it have been pure Hell but overall it was a great year. I remember some of my call nights being so bad, that I wanted to walk out and never come back...but I couldn't because I can't afford to walk away. Some call nights I cried after having to give bad news to families. Some nights I cried just because I was so tired and didn't think I could get through the night. I'm finished.

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