Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm concerned that my tales at work are convincing Pastor's Bride NOT to go to medical school, especially my post about my shoes getting puked on. As long as I don't share any of my poo stories with her, maybe there's still a chance.

I've given up on Pink...she doesn't like to wear Merrell's. Then again, she could be a dermatologist. I hear they get to dress up.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

It doesn't matter what tales you tell. I won't go to medical school because I'm lazy. And if I were to become a doctor, patients would probably have "emergencies" at times not convenient for me. I wouldn't care for that.

I don't understand. Dr. Montgomery Shepherd on Grey's Anatomy is always dressed up and in heels. And she is an ob gyn surgeon! You mean docs don't dress like that?