Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Evils of Trans Fats

My New Year's resolution this year was to cut out all trans fats. ALL. If it has trans fats, I don't eat it. The former Mr. Big has been telling me for a long time how evil they are, and I know they are...but I didn't truly commit to giving them up for good until this year. That means no crackers, fried donuts, all sorts of things you'd never think of. Today I got to realize the fruits of my sacrifice. I got my fasting cholesterol check back today and I couldn't believe it. My total cholesterol was down over 50 points to a level well within normal range. Even better, my LDL (bad cholesterol) level was also down over 50 points, which is now normal too! I compared them from my labs taken just a year ago and the only difference I can think of is those naughty trans fats, because I didn't take any drugs. Give them up now! It really works!

The only thing that wasn't so great is that I found out I have iron deficiency anemia. I don't know what else to do about that. I take supplements. It's not like I can just quit being female, nor do I want to! Being a girl is fun.

In other news, I now have not one, but two kitties that are officially diagnosed with renal failure. I wasn't surprised. They are 14 years old which is ancient. The attitude I'm taking is they have had a great life. If all the other things out there don't kill a kitty (cars, accidental poisoning, fights) it will eventually die from renal failure. I've never had a cat live this long, so this whole renal failure thing is new to me. They eat special food now and it appears to be helping. They don't act any different, it's like nothing is even wrong.

Work is the same. I'm the resident on call during the day for the hospital this month and it has been quite a challenge. There's a crisis nearly everyday that I have to deal with in a moment's notice. Most of the time, they involve acute respiratory distress and require immediate intubation. I always come out of those situations shaking and really sweaty, relieved no one died. It happened today right after lunch with a lady who I think had a pulmonary embolus. She was just about to crump.

I knew this year would be challenging but when I think about the responsibility we are given as interns, it scares me. I've learned how to handle so many life threatening situations, but I have no idea how to do easy things, like splint a fracture or sew a wound....not that an anesthesiologist would ever do those things but it would be fun to know!


Robyn said...

Of course trans fats are bad. That's why the stuff tastes so good.

Sorry about the kitties.

Dan and Libby said...

One bad thing about trans fats is that there's so much talk, people think food without trans fats is good for you, even if it's still loaded with saturated fat. Like Girl Scout cookies! LM has been fooled by this.

Your cholesterol rocks.