Friday, March 30, 2007

After the storm

We had a huge storm late this afternoon that lasted several hours. I stepped outside and this was waiting for me!!

I Was on call last night. Had one of the best nights yet. Only one admission at 5pm. Slept from 8:30-10pm, then responded to a cardiac arrest which kept me busy (and sweaty) for well over an hour. My pager didn't go off (except for one of my friends paging me at 3am) again until 7am! I got to sleep all night, or at least lay in bed wondering when my pager would go off. It's never really good sleep on call. Plus, the bed is uncomfortable, the blankets are thin and impersonal, and the room is always too hot or too cold.

At 7am I went to go verify a patient death and I saw one of the nursing supervisors. She asked if I was on call tonight. I told her I wasn't. She told me she wishes I was on call every night. I laughed and took that as a compliment. She then told me that everyone in the hospital really likes me and wishes I was on call more. Wow. Now I really took that as a compliment! I wish that would get back to my boss!

Since I got some sleep on call, I actually got to enjoy my day. I came home and walked 3 miles, then I met pastor's bride at the mall for pedicures and lunch. Pretty toes and yummy food, what more could a girl ask for?

1 comment:

Sherri said...

What a fabulous compliment she gave you! I'd bet anything your boss has already heard it.