Friday, November 16, 2007

over-the-top embarrassing moments

1. yesterday: I'd been at work for about an hour when one of the nurses informed me that I had a big tear in the back of my scrubs and you could see my underwear.

2. Today: I was living life on the edge and took two Tylenol at the same time to treat a headache. One of the pills promptly got lodged in my throat. I started choking and eventutally couldn't breathe. One of my attendings had to perform the Heimlich maneuver on me. It worked, as evidenced by my being able to write this blog. It scared me so bad I started crying afterwards. Too bad the doc is married. That would be a great "how we got together" story.

See Robyn? This is another reason you should go to medical school. There's always a doctor around to save your life if you ever need it.


Chellie said...

On no. 2: Are you kidding me? That would be so scary. Was your attending nice about it?

Dan and Libby said...

What color was your underwear?

I would've cried, too. Scary! Glad someone was there to save your life.


Robyn said...

I go commando, so I probably wouldn't be a good doctor. I am married to a dr., his PhD won't do me much good unless there are certain Biblical emergencies.

Chellie said...

Commando all the time??

Robyn said...

No, only when i would be wearing scrubs. I like to match my panties to my outfit, and I'm thinking whatever would match scrubs would be ugly.