Sunday, March 23, 2008

Things I've learned while on trauma call

1. Don't ride on a motorcycle on an interstate going 80mph while standing on the seat
2. Don't attack a police officer with nunchuks
3. don't let a priaprism last more than 24 hours before you get medical care
4. don't get shot (this covers the majority of our traumas)
5. being in a gang will cause #4. Don't join a gang.
6. if you are drunk, it's probably a bad idea to try and drive your car through a house
7. crashing your motorcycle and then getting hit by a car afterwards, may cause your arm to get torn off
8. don't go near a rotating airplane propeller
9. don't ride on an ATV
10. If you are too young to drive and don't know how to drive, don't take the parents' car out for a joyride with friends.
11. Getting a speeding ticket is a better alternative than shooting yourself in the head to avoid one. 6 people now have new organs thanks to that guy.


Chellie said...

Those are funny. miss you!

Chellie said...

You and Robyn want to meet Natalie and me out for dessert sometime soon? eme.