Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hillary versus Obama

Just kidding.

So It's been 11 days since Lent. I gave up all sweets and all chips. Without dieting, I have already lost 3 pounds! I only cheated once, and it was when I grabbed a peppermint candy after lecture one day, forgetting that I'd given up all sweets. What I did give up was the constant snacking on garbage that I do all day at work. Most of it is hunger driven because the only thing really good the hospital gives us is plenty of cookies and chips. Then there's the drug rep who brings us little miniature candy bars. Between all this, I figured out I'm eating an extra 900 calories a day. Yikes. Well. That's over. Who knew that just cutting out needless snacking could result in weight loss? So simple, yet so challenging.


Chellie said...

Are you now a conservative? You had metioned in a previos post that you had changed parties! :)

Kate said...

I changed parties about 10 years ago. I'm a Libertarian.

Robyn said...

Have you died from the lack of chips and candy?

Or, are you not blogging because you are "too busy" saving people's lives? Whatever. What about the rest of us who want to read your blog?